New York City Pizza: Urban Soul Food

New York City pizza is the symbol of our culture and the signature staple food in the culinary lexicon of our citizens. Our colorful City is home to more than 8.3 million people who speak over 800 different languages.
With 36% of NYC residents being foreign-born, New York City is one of the most diversified populations in America – and perhaps the epicenter of more types of mom’s home cooking than any other location in the world. However, from handmade mofongo to homemade chana masala, no other food tells the story of New York City better than pizza.

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New York City pizza – and having debates about New York City pizza – is part of our lifestyle and how we live and see each other. From debating how to eat to pizza, where to get the best slice of pizza, and where to find the cheapest pizza or actual birthplace of “original” NYC pizza, New Yorkers are fully immersed in the history of pizza and the power that “a slice” has in our everyday lives. In fact, these 10 questions, and the answers to them, can shape our perception of others, and whether or not we should become friends with them (answers below):
- Should pizza be eaten sitting down, or while walking on the sidewalk to your next busy engagement?
- Should you fold your pizza, or eat it in its original triangle form?
- Is there ever a legitimate reason to eat New York City pizza with a fork?
- Is a slice of cheese called “regular,” “plain,” or “cheese”?
- What is the most important ingredient in pizza – the crust, sauce, or toppings?
- Are red pepper flakes optional?
- Which establishment offers the “original” New York City pizza?
- How much should a slice of pizza cost?
- Which establishment offers the best pizza in New York City?
- Are $1 pizza places legit?

- While walking. New Yorkers are super busy, even when we’re not.
- Fold your pizza. You’re not an animal. Or pizza rat.
- Never. Ever. No. Looking at you Bill de Blasio.
- Regular. This isn’t Ohio.
- All, but in this order: sauce, crust, toppings.
- No, red pepper flakes are an essential ingredient (but the containers they come in are often a hybrid of a cryptex and Shake Weight).
- Whichever “original” slice joint is in your neighborhood.
- Depends on your budget, or ask the MTA.
- Rubirosa Ristorante. No, we weren’t paid to say that.
- Yes, if you find the right one.

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