NYC: Finding Your Legs

Every New Yorker has days when life goes sideways. When our legs are swept out from under us and our world loses balance…
You are surrounded by 8.5 million fellow New Yorkers, but your significant other is actually your spare pillow.

Your boss schedules a one-on-one zoom call for late Friday afternoon to discuss “developments” in the company’s restructuring.
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You dress up like a HAZMAT worker as you brave to take the MTA and arrive on the L Train platform just as the train departs. Next Train in 25 minutes.

Shower water suddenly pours through your kitchen ceiling as the woman in the apartment above you has a morning session with her Tinder date.
The dog in the apartment next to you won’t stop barking, and you’re so lonely for conversation you bark back.

The incessant whirling of ambulances transporting COVID patients rattles you from sleep, and your sense of safety.
Or worse, it is you in the back of the speeding vehicle lying on a gurney, soon to be pulled into the glowing hallway of a hospital.

New York City is a difficult place to live, and it feels like we can get knocked off of our feet in so many ways. And we do. Do your best. Stay safe. Wear a mask. And a helmet, if you have one.
[Visit more NYC Trash Stories: Bathroom, Culture, Clothes, Furniture, Food/Drinks, Personal, Pets, Tech, Trash Cans, Travel.]