Funky Is Never Out of Step

Everything breaks. Wine glasses. Space satellites. People.
Sometimes the entire world feels – like this funky red high-heel shoe seat – completely broken. Out of step with its purpose and value to the world. But you can never break funky because being broken – being different – is part of being funky. Funky cheese is different than regular cheeses. Funky music is different than regular music. Funky people and funky furniture are different than regular people and regular furniture.
This beautiful piece of sidewalk trash is all kinds of funky – from the funky people who designed it and the funky person who bought to the funky New Yorkers at funky parties who sat on it (and maybe more, get some) who perhaps broke it. There is so much life behind this discarded chair. So many stories. And, yet, we are only able to witness the end of this trash story. But rest assured the soul of this funky high heel shoe seat and the funky souls of everyone who appreciated it will live on.
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